
Tallinn University

El. paštas:
Tipas: Universitetas
Adresas: Narva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn
Faksas: +372 640 9116
Telefonas: +372 640 9101
Svetainės adresas:
Studentų skaičius: 2


The university is the fastest-growing in the country, strong in social
sciences and humanities and rapidly-developing in natural sciences.
Core university values include a high academic quality through a
combination of research and teaching, solidarity and collegiality,
procedural transparency, internationalization, and an outward focus on
academics for society rather than for the ivory tower.
Central research areas of the university are humanities, natural
sciences, social sciences, and educational sciences. University
researchers are widely published and has a particular specialty in
theoretical physics.
As part of the University-wide internationalization efforts, the
university offers 13 academic degree programmes and a number of
shorter programmes and courses in English.